Wow, this is barbaric! No cultural tradition can possibly justify such brutality. Thanks for bringing it to light and for the petition. I just signed and will pass this on.

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Thank you Julie! 🙏

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Much as Japanese dolphin drive hunting. Similarly, eating apex predators which concentrate various manmade waste chemicals and artificial isotopes of elements from industrially polluted ocean waters is not a good idea. Quite aside from the ethical and conservation issues.


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Signed and donation made.

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Wonderful to hear, Paul! 👏🏼

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Senseless and horrific. Tradition is no excuse for such barbarity. Thanks for bringing this to greater attention, Amie.

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Thanks Rob!

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Gladly signed the petition and will share. While I don’t oppose controlled hunting of populous (e.g., deer in the US) species for meat, wholesale slaughter of sentient creatures is a sort of murderous gluttony by humans. All the more true when we do not know actual species population. When I think of this and other examples, I’m reminded of the near extinction of bison here in the US. Good work to call this out.

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Truly a crime. Horrific. Thanks for sharing though it’s hard to stomach.

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Too many humans using too ,many natural resources and producing too much pollution, including GHGs, global heating, and climate collapse. TOO MANY HUMANS is the core problem with ALL environmental degradation, including the killing of sea mammals. Questions?

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The Faroe Islands have a population of less than 60,000. And it only takes a few humans to commit such atrocities so I don't think this is the problem at all.

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You need to get out more.

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And you need to stay out of people's comments if you insist on being so one-track minded.

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Thank you for bringing this up. The images are horrific. Yet, I ponder upon two things. First, how is this different or worse than raising pigs and killing them? Pigs are also very intelligent. At least the whales spend the lives in freedom, which farmed pigs don’t. So I would argue pigsties, esp commercial ones are more barbaric yet less spectacular to watch.

Second issue is something I have had in mind for long time but haven’t researched the topic well enough to know the answer. I have sailed the North Sea off England’s coast already 20 years ago and noticed local fishing practically disappeared. Locals told me fishermen went off unemployed due to commercial overfishing. Now shouldn’t this be our primary concern (the reestablishment of population of herring, mackerell, cod, sardine, shrimp) rather than whales? It seems absurd that whales (that eat huge quantities of small fish) are protected, while small fish are not - and they are disappearing. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Then whales population would naturally grow. To address again my earlier pigsties argument, I also don’t see why fishing whales is considered crime while fishing cod is not.

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Killing animals is killing animals, there is no ‘better or worse’. However, Beached is an ocean conservation Substack so unfortunately pigs won’t get much airtime here.

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