Thanks for this great compilation! I've been listening to this new podcast, The Good Whale, about the orca, Keiko, who starred in the film, "Free Willy," which set off a massive project to rehabilitate, train, and free him to the wild. (I'm not done yet, so I don't know how it comes out, but it seems ominous in a hubristic "what could go wrong?" sort of way). Here's a gift link: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/podcasts/serial-good-whale.html?unlocked_article_code=1.dk4.6SM9.VUMmzD7JDQH9&smid=url-share

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Thanks, Julie. I recall some of Keiko's story but don't know the details so thank you for this! 🙏🏻

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It’s so well told, with every nuance and perspective presented.

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